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What is broomball?

Put quite simply, broomball is unlike any other recreational sport. Originating in Canada it is now played world-wide by men and women of all ages.

Aided by special equipment, players run on the ice with the objective of scoring an inflated ball into an oversized hockey net. Combining aspects of soccer, lacrosse, hockey and basketball, broomball makes a great workout without the kind of injuries present in other “friction-constrained” sports.

Check out this video to see the game in action ➝


Commonly asked questions

I’ve never played broomball before, how can I learn the rules?
During all beginner-sessions, an instructor will go over all of the rules and other necessary information.
Our league is beginner-oriented and all players are eager to help get new players acclimated.

What kind of equipment is needed to play?
Players wear special broomball shoes, a helmet, gloves, kneepads and a broomball stick. We have a large stock of equipment that can borrowed and equipment can bought at a discount from our equipment partner.

What is the cost to play?
All first-time players are able to try out a drop-in session for free. Drop-in sessions for returning players are typically $15 for an hour, and the league registration fees vary but are announced.

What is included in the league registration fee?
The largest expense in all ice-sports is the cost to rent the sheet of ice. An hour can typically costs multiple hundreds of dollars. Registration fees cover these costs plus equipment replacements (such as broomballs).

You’re running on ice? What’s the risk of injury?
While all sports run a risk of player injury, we require that all players wear equipment to minimize the possibilities of injuries. Broomball shoes have a thick foam that allows players a level of grip while still being able to slide. Instruction is provided to all new players on techniques and best practices for safe play.

Who runs the Cleveland Broomball Association?
The CBA is a volunteer-run organization that operates at no-profit with help from the broomball community. If you’re wondering who to speak to once you attend one of our events, you can visit our About Us page.

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Who We Are

Our league is run by a group of dedicated volunteers, below are pictures of the lead administrators that can help with any questions about the league.

This represents only a small portion of the people who help our league run every year and almost anyone who plays broomball in Cleveland is knowledgeable and helpful.

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